Rockfish Valley Community Center presents:
Antiques Evaluation Event
Saturday, October 19
Join us for RVCC’s 1st Annual “Treasures of the Blue Ridge”, an antique evaluation event in the spirit of Antiques Roadshow! Learn about the value and history of your antiques, your family heirlooms, and the novelty item you found at a thrift shop or yard sale! It’s time to find out: Is it trash or is it treasure?
On Saturday, October 19, professional appraisers—skilled at appraising jewelry, art, books, furniture, ceramics and more– will be onsite to offer tableside evaluations for entertainment purposes. (Please note: for legal reasons, these evaluations will not be legally binding appraisals.)
Tickets are available for purchase for $100, for an evaluation from the appraisers of up to 3 items. Ticket sales will be limited to only 80 participants to ensure that everyone’s items will be seen during the span of the event.
The morning session will be conducted from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. The afternoon session will be conducted from 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM. When you purchase your ticket, you will have the option of choosing which session you prefer. However, please note that items will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served system during each session.
Proceeds benefit the Rockfish Valley Community Center, a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
To purchase a ticket, go HERE.
For more information about event guidelines and evaluation categories, please see the notes below.
Questions? Contact RVCC at 434-361-0100 or contact@rockfishcc.org.
Appraisers Attending
G. Amory LeCuyer – Owner and Senior Appraiser for Antique Works / Hampton House Auctions with over 20 years of experience. A certified appraiser, he has worked for estates, banks, attorneys and insurers in resolving issues that revolve around personal property, fine art, collections. In addition, he has worked with PBS affiliates in Maryland, Arkansas, and Arizona in creating events for television which have focused on the individual states. Chesapeake Collectibles from Maryland Public Television (11 season), Arizona Treasures (4 seasons) and Arkansas Treasures ( First season in 2024) have frequently been some of the stations most watched programming. Amory is responsible for vetting all of the appraisers on the shows.
A graduate of Washington and Lee University, Amory has recently become a resident of Nelson
County with the purchase of a home in Stony Creek.
Alexander “Lex” Reeves is an independent appraiser focusing in the area of fine art. A lifelong Richmond resident and graduate of Washington and Lee University, he has appeared on Chesapeake Collectibles, Arizona Treasures, Arkansas Treasures and the PBS show Legacy List. Lex has operated his fine art business for over 27 years and represented private clients and museums in the acquisition of important pieces of art and decorative arts.
Michael Staton is a lifelong collector and one of the finest assessors of the classic to contemporary toys and trains that the state has. Appearing on Chesapeake Collectibles and Arkansas Treasures he has often been burdened to evaluate some of the greatest collections of toys, trains and collectibles that have crossed the television stage. A lifelong Virginia Beach resident he brings to the table an extensive knowledge base of the market, both past and current.
Ed Mereno is a Williamsburg resident, and has been an independent appraiser for over 15 years and appeared on the Chesapeake Collectibles television show giving his talents in silver and metals an extensive workout. A former museum curator, he has worked with numerous museums on client donation appraisals, as well as individual estates to resolve property matters.
Janine Skerry, a former curator at Colonial Williamsburg, has an extensive working lifetime in dealing with Sterling Ceramics and other areas of Decorative Arts. She has been a featured speaker at numerous forums involving the history of decorative arts and has worked with the acquisitions of valuable pieces for museum collections.
Event Guidelines:
Doors open: 8:30am for the morning session.
12:30pm for the afternoon session.
Upon arrival, you will be checked in, and each of your items will be assigned to the appropriate appraiser. All items will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis, so please be prepared to wait for your turn. Chairs, water fountains, and restrooms are available. Trager Brothers Coffee and Coquito Kitchen, along with the other resident businesses at RVCC, will be open as well to help you pass the time!
You may arrive at any time during your session’s alotted time frame. For example, if you have purchased a ticket for the morning slot, you do not have to arrive right at 9am. Please do plan to arrive no later than 11am for the morning session, or 3pm for the afternoon session.
Acceptable items:
- You must be able to carry your item into the building, or roll it in on your own dolly or hand truck. Large, heavy items (such as furniture) will not be accepted. RVCC has a ramp entrance, but no staff will be available to assist with loading, unloading, or moving items.
- If you do have larger items or firearms that need to be appraised, please let us know and the lead appraiser G. Amory LeCuyer will follow up with you.
Please note: all items will be given a tableside evaluation for entertainment purposes. These will not be considered legally binding appraisals.