Each year, we put a lot of energy into our Annual Fund and Membership Drive, which focuses primarily on raising much-needed operating funds for our Community Center. Operating support is crucial to keeping this place running, and to all those who contribute so generously each year, we thank you. And yet it is also crucial to recognize that money is not the only kind of operating support required to keep our Community Center alive—we also desperately need physical assistance. We have amazing volunteers on our Board of Directors, at the Treasure Chest, and on our Art, Music, Development, Finance, and Building & Grounds Committees. But there is still so much to keep up with—we have only two part-time employees in the office, and we are not enough to stay on top of all that needs to be done around here.
If you’ve ever wandered through the building or around the grounds and wondered about the trash can that hasn’t been dumped…why that flower garden needs to be weeded…or any other task, large or small, there’s a pretty good chance it’s because we don’t have enough help to stay on top of this stuff.
We take a lot of pride in this place, but the truth is that we just can’t do it all. And so we hope that you’ll take some pride in it too. Please help us care for the Community Center that has become an anchor in the lives of so many people around here.
Here are some of the areas in which we always need help:
–Weeding and cleaning up flower beds and walking trail
–Pick up trash around the playground, skate ramp, and basketball court
–Baseball field maintenance
–Volunteers are always needed for the Pancake Breakfast
–Help with planning and running events in the spring, summer, and fall
–And, of course, the Treasure Chest Thrift Store always needs help!
Are you interested in helping out, but don’t have a particular project in mind? Our Building & Grounds, Art, and Music Committees are entirely composed of volunteers, and we would not be able to keep this place running without them! The B&G committee takes care of everything from small repairs and handyman jobs around the building, to large jobs such as the recent installation of a drainage system behind Trager Brothers Coffee. Our current crew is astounding, but this is a huge facility and there is more to do than they can keep up with. We are desperately in need of more help. Please contact us if you’d like to get involved.
The Art and Music Committees are also looking for new members. If you’d like to be involved with the art and music events and programming here at RVCC, please let us know. We need your vision and your energy!
Please get in touch if you’re willing to help. 434-361-0100, rockfishcc@gmail.com, or visit the Treasure Chest or the Office.